
5 Essential Questions to be asked!

5 Essential Questions to be asked!
By: Merna Mekhail

What to think?

Yeah I know,we already got to the part of the importance of developing a mobile app for your business, and how it helps a lot with the success of your business, but let me tell you something, Taking a step in the business world is not that easy. The thought of developing an app it self is great step to be taken by every entrepreneur, but it requires lots of work, research,time and thought.

Every entrepreneur should ask several questions to himself and to his team,and based on the answers he would take the decision of developing an app or not. As we have mentioned before every entrepreneur wakes up everyday lost in a sea of questions and we’ve highlighted some main steps to be followed in order to turn your app idea into reality. So, today we will highlight the 5 main questions should be asked by every entrepreneur before developing an app.

Let’s get to it!

  1. The funding?! Do I have the enough amount of money to go through the process of developing an app? And if No, Do I have a funding source or not? That’s basically the first question you should ask while thinking of developing an app for your business.

  2. Who’s your target market? You must have done a market research when you first decided to come into the market, so based on this market research you must decide if your target market would be interested in that app or you would spend all that money and not earn back.

  3. What is the competition status in your market? If every business in your industry already has an app so let me tell you’re really behind, is some and some then it’s time you do something about it, but if you’re the first in your industry to develop an app for your business;we suggest you do your research well.

  4. What makes your app unique? After answering all the above questions, you must look into your own unique selling point! What would make the people download your app, register, and use yours not anyone’s else?!

  5. Do you have the long-run vision? That’s the last question you should ask yourself before starting the mobile app development process. Do you know what would this app bring you on the long run? Do you have a vision of your business after 10 or 20 years?

The Answers…

You must have the answer to every single question of these 5 questions, as I mentioned before, at Intcore we always motivate businesses to create mobile apps, and if the business is the app we always suggest you create an MVP version of this app.

Don’t forget to fill out our consultation form if you need help with your idea and app development process!

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