
App idea TURNS into reality

App idea TURNS into reality
By: Merna Mekhail

What does it feel coming up with ideas?!

Ideas, ideas,ideas,and more ideas! Every day you wake up with tons of ideas in your head, and tons of questions as well, what should I do about them? What steps should I take? Is this idea should even be brought to life or not? And you stay like this most of your life, simply, LOST in a sea of ideas and questions. Let me make it a little bit clearer for you, in life, it is really important to keep your brain working, and to come up with new ideas, but as equally important, you should also know how to turn these ideas into reality and bring them to life.

Lots of businesses get the idea of how important it is to the business to develop a mobile app and how it helps a lot with the marketing, the brand reputation,and many other things, and it really is important and really does help, know more about why your business need a mobile app. At Intcore we always try to help you with the best solutions,so we provide you with a free-analysis service, and we conducted some simple steps that you can follow to bring your app idea into life.

Steps to be followed:

  • Define your target market

  • Do your market research, you should conduct your research based on demographics; their age, gender,etc…, also in terms of psychographics; their lifestyles, their average income, their hobbies, and their values. More of your research should also be on their geographic status; which country, city or area are you going to target! These are all very important aspects to take into consideration while doing your market research after deciding on your target market.

  • Business Plan Development, you basically can’t go into the market with a new app without having a well-studied business plan. You need to know and decide your objective from developing this app.

  • Picking the platform ( iOS, Android, or both), this decision is also taken based on your target market; because sometimes you target a specific segment of people that only use Android based mobile phones,or other segment that only use IOS based phones,or maybe you target a wide range of people so you would have to develop it on both platforms.

The process goes on…

  • Branding; because ATTENTION to the app is exactly what you need, you need to brand it very well! Choose a unique name, attractive colours, and a one-of-a-kind logo!

  • Features Prioritization, it is not always a logical way to put all the features that come on your mind at first,while you are not even 100% sure that you will earn well from it, that’s why we recommend you build an MVP version of your app. Understand the importance of having an MVP mobile app.

  • Cost estimate; you have to estimate the cost of developing this app from more than one aspect; how much money would it cost, also you have to put into consideration the opportunity cost you are willing to pay; your time,and effort. Last but not least, the marketing cost as every new project needs a marketing budget to come to life.

  • Start developing the app.

  • Keep updating your application based on the market changes every now and then.

To Sum Up...

Today we’ve covered the steps you should follow when you are thinking of developing a mobile app. Starting with defining your target market, and doing your market research,and ending with developing the app and updating it based on market research. Please read more about the importance of developing a mobile app for your business and don’t forget to check our previous articles.



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