
Your Business needs a Mobile APP

Your Business needs a Mobile APP
By: Administration

The best way to understand why you need a Mobile APP is to know what you are losing if you haven't it: 
• 80% of users preferred to use mobile app than website. 
• Nearly 50% of consumers say they won’t return to a website if it doesn’t load properly on their mobile devices (The Social Media Hat).
• 60% of global mobile consumers use their mobile device as their primary or exclusive internet source (Internet Retailer)
• The average smartphone user downloads 3 apps per month. (TechCrunch)
• 79% of smartphone owners use apps every day (TechCrunch)
• Apps made up 47% of Internet traffic, compared to PCs 45% (comScore)
• 50.3% of Ecommerce Website Traffic Comes Through A Mobile Device (Shopify)
• 80% of consumers use smartphones to shop (ComScore)
• Mobile ecommerce will account for 30% of global ecommerce sales by 2018 (Juniper Research)
• 71% of shoppers believe they will get a better deal online than in stores (CMO)

So, here is the question why I need a Mobile App!

• Be Visible to Customers at All Times
• Create a Direct Marketing Channel
• Provide Value to Your Customers
• Build Brand and Recognition
• Improve Customer Engagement
• Stand Out From the Competition
• Cultivate Customer Loyalty
• Connect with customers fast and easily. 
• Promote business effectively.
• Streamline business process. 
• Enhance user experience.

And here is some examples for Mobile Apps already built in #Intcore

If you have any question or need help in anything related to Mobile Apps, we will be happy to answer you.

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