
There is no success without marketing!

There is no success without marketing!
By: Administration

Many of us hear this sentence but what is marketing is all about especially the digital marketing!
Some people think it is all about having a page on Facebook and that's it, you keep posting content and the users like so they become fans or they don't.

This problem is facing all of us and that's why we decided to lend a helping hand even with a small piece of information. So we are explaining what "marketing" means and what companies can achieve through using it and is it just a page on Facebook?
Basically, and away of complication let's start with the academic definition of marketing: it is the planning and implementation of the overall perception of pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, goods, and services to create the exchange process that satisfies the needs of individuals and enterprises.
"You said it is not complicated, what is that?!!"
You are right, drop this definition and check this one:
Marketing is, simply, our every-day dealings and the one who rethink about it will figure out that the majority of Egyptian people are marketers.
So, do we really practice marketing in our everyday dealings?
The answer is yes, and let me give you some examples:

1. On the personal level, when you try to improve your personal position and yourself, you can compare between yourself and other people in your area, work or study. Moreover, you try to grow your knowledge to create a competitive advantage to achieve your success and this simply is called "marketing".
2. When you deal with other people, we never use the same way to talk with different people. You start filtrating them into categories: relatives, friends and co-workers and then you notice their behaviors, define their personalities and on that basis, you choose what to say and the way to say it and this is called "marketing" as well.
3. When you apply for a job, what do the clever people do is that they know what this job offer needs from basics and skills. Then they start reading and learning about it and every while they analyze the earned knowledge, develop and create a style that makes them special, after this, it is time for a plan for the career and promoting whether among friends or online. This is also "marketing".

There are a lot of examples and if we want to write a book about this subject, we will write around the clock. At the end, you can tell us in the comments, some of your daily situations that categorized as marketing.
To sum up, marketing is simply knowing the techniques of success, planning, communicating, negotiating, developing and knowing the best ways to supply and demand, presentation and persuasion. In addition to thinking skills, problem-solving and continuous analysis. These are the basics of marketing.
This means that marketing is not only a page on Facebook, message on mobile phones, call or even using all the available channels, it is far beyond this.
Marketing starts with the first steps of establishing a company; analyzing the market, studying customer's needs and behaviors, setting goals and a strong strategy to achieve these goals, continuous developing, pricing the products, using the suitable channels to start marketing through, promoting, following up the customers, analyzing their comments and finally connecting the company with a positive image in customer's mind to keep their permanent existence.
So it is not that easy after all!
No, it is not. To consider something a successful project, it must start with these steps or it will remain a page on Facebook.
Through the above examples, we can say that marketing essentially depends on the person's skills and the way he deals with other people. Marketing is art and talent yet it's a big science that helps you organizing this art and talent and put them in the right organizational frame which will help you develop this talent and figuring out the creative solutions that fit each project. That's why you always find that a good marketer has a scientific side and learned a lot about marketing.
Can marketing help my company to be successful and make great sales?
You may answer this question yourself. Have a look at the size of companies that consider marketing a major department and have a look too to the millions spent every year.
Look around, watch a number of ads. on roads and bridges, television, the huge amount of ads. on the social media and you will know how marketing helps companies.
You may wonder why the digital marketing is sweeping the traditional marketing? Here are the reasons:
1. The online market is vast and this creates more opportunities for companies special the small sized.
2. The Internet made the world a small village, this enhances the competition point between the companies and makes them exert more effort to attract customers.
3. The cost of online marketing is much less than traditional marketing and this helps company's owner to save much money.


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