
Augmented Reality on IOS devices!

Augmented Reality on IOS devices!
By: Samuel Samir

Augmented reality...

Augmented reality is a new way to use technology that helps in minimizing the line between the virtual and the real. Imagine this technology that transforms how you work, learn, play, and connect with almost everything around you. Today, we will talk about ARKit the greatest framework for Augmented reality which was introduced by Apple for iPhone and iPad. ARKit consists of  three components: tracking, scene understanding and rendering, let's start by breaking down each component...

1. Tracking...

ARKit uses world tracking i.e. it is able to locate the user's position with respect to larger environment. Apple’s hardware uses “core motion” computer vision algorithms which helps devices to assess relative position through the use of camera combined with onboard sensors like accelerometer, gyrometer and magnetometer, core motion is able to perform world tracking.


Core motion is the library to interpreting sensor data. In core motion, accelerometer data is interpreted to movement of phone in 3-axis, gyroscope data is interpreted to rotation data in either of the 3-axis and magnetometer/compass conveys orientation of device with respect to universal north.

2. Scene Understanding...

This component of the ARKit helps in understanding the environmental components like horizontal surfaces and ambient lighting.

RKit performs plane detection based on contrasting pixel information in a given scene where it tries to interpret a horizontal surface, along with some other smart features include plane merging, which means it can understand multiple surfaces.

  • Light Estimation:

This is perhaps the coolest thing about ARKit. The device’s camera captures the exposure of an environment and sends it to ARKit to adjust lighting of digital objects it renders on the device screen.

3. Rendering...

  This component in an ARKit allows it to render different types of 2D/3D content with appropriate textures. There is more than one framework used in rendering like SpriteKit, SceneKit and Metal.

To tie everything together…

ARKit is perhaps the most popular AR framework known in design and development community, it consists of  three components tracking, scene understanding and rendering, and we’ve broken down each component to be clear and visible to you.

Don’t forget to follow our blog and wait for the next article!


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