
10 Important Tips To Pay Attention For

10 Important Tips To Pay Attention For
By: Administration

Many of the clients face various problems while applying their own businesses related to Digital solutions and it ends with disappointment, business problems or changing the company...etc. This issue applies to most of the IT solutions, whether it is web solutions, mobile solutions or desktop solutions...etc.

So how can you make a right project and not one that is full of programming errors and problems? We are talking about some simple things as a start so you can realize how to apply your business and we're talking about this subject in details in the upcoming articles.

1. You have to deal with a real company that has a place, employees and don't let anyone to say that the company is so far and let's meet in a cafe. If this is real and the company is real far, it's okay to meet at a cafe, but while signing the contracts insist on seeing the company with its employees, business size and so on.

2. Concentrate in the contract very well, guarantee your rights in contract terms. If you find that the company doesn't offer any guarantee for your rights, you have to ask for editing the contract and they won't reject because you have money so they will guarantee your rights.

3. You have to receive an appendix that has everything in details and explains every single point that will be applied in the project with a full perception on paper or online and printed because it's nearly impossible to describe your project in a contract. Both parties must sign on this appendix.

4. Make a deal with the company or the project manager to follow the agile technique and that you will never accept following the Waterfall technique. Agile will simply let you follow up your project step by step and you will be sure that this is exactly what you want. If you use the Waterfall technique, you will be surprised at the end that they made things that you don't need or they focused on certain things that you don't want to focus on. Moreover, the potential of making mistakes is high because any project is well understood at the percentage of 75 at the maximum.

5. Make sure that any project needs time to come to light so don't let your rush causes you problems. Because if you don't wait the needed time, you will make mistakes and then you will be stuck in many problems later on. Make one of your contract's terms to have a 7-day trail, at least, and if your project is big, it's okay to divide it into two or three steps. Make every step separated in the contract.

6. Pay attention to the talk about "any website costs 1000, 2000 or even 100.000 L.E" because there's no such thing! Just imagine if you're building a villa, will it have the result when you cost it 1000 L.E be equal to the result of 100.000 L.E!! Of course this is impossible, everything has its own costs! If the company didn't illustrate this, make sure they just want to finish the deal to start the project but this will have a great failure later on! Everything you need takes even two hours of the company's time, so how much do you think this time costs the company?! For example, if the employee takes X for an hour, this means that one hour costs the company 5X and that's why they wouldn't do it for you for free.

7.  You will find some companies asking you to make Wordpress, Open Card or etc... For any ready-made thing on the internet, then they just buy you a theme with $14 and install it for you, if so it's better to do it yourself! You will just watch an online session on YouTube and you are ready to make a website with ready-made systems in about two hours. But if you build something from scratch, it is more professional because it is tailor-made for your needs. These ready-made systems aren't bad at all, we just misuse them, for example; an e-commerce website made with Wordpress! Although Wordpress is made for content management related to small websites, small companies' websites or simple News websites. Focus!

8. Choose the company that you know they are real professional not just talk sellers, so don't rush choosing! After you explain everything you need for the company, ask them a simple question "Would you explain me my project in details?" If they correctly answered 50% of your talk, go ahead and choose them.

9. Make an online search about the company before you sign the contract with them. Check if there is a rate on them or not. Make sure the rate is true!

10. Ask checking their commercial register and Tax card and take a copy of them. It's your right to make sure this is a real company, not just a place! If you are dealing with a freelancer, it is better to pay on delivery time!

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